更改ip地址就可伡连外网了. I am Distinguished Professor of Humanities in the Honors Program at Baylor University, and a Senior Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia.
My next book will be called Breaking Bread with the Dead: A Reader's Guide to a More Tranquil Mind, and will be published in September by Penguin Press. You may get a brief preview of it by reading this essay. The book is currently available for pre-order — just click or tap on the image below.
I write a more-or-less-weekly newsletter, which you may subscribe to here.
My previous book is called The Year of Our Lord 1943: Christian Humanism in an Age of Crisis.
Before that I published How to Think. And before that came The Book of Common Prayer: A Biography and a critical edition of Auden’s long poem The Age of Anxiety (both Princeton University Press, 2013). You can find a list of my books and (many) other writings at The New Atlantis, where I am a Contributing Editor. You can also look at a PDF of my CV.
Here are some essays I’ve published fairly recently:
About 怎么更换外网ip: I am largely absent. I post photos and links on my micro.blog page. Also, here’s my personal blog, where I post more rarely, and when I do I link to those posts at the micro.blog page, so that's the one-stop shop for my online writing, as it were.
If you would like to invite me to speak, first of all Thank you, but some long-term family health issues make any non-mandatory travel impossible for me. Also, truth be told, I hate public speaking and will only do it if I can't escape.
If you would like to meet with me, or you want me to read your manuscript, please read this.
If you are a student of mine, here are some pages for you to look at:
- My FAQ on general policies
- A page on grades and grading
- A page explaining why I don't use Canvas
- A page on how you should behave at a lecture
If you want my advice about going to graduate school in English or the other humanities, here it is.
Here are a few other online places where you can find my writing:
- The Gospel of the Trees
- My author page at The Hedgehog Review
- My reviews for The Weekly Standard
- My retired Text Patterns blog
- My retired blog (and other writings) at The American Conservative
- My author page at theatlantic.com